Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let's just ignore the two month gap shall we?

OK? Good.

Now that we have that settled, GUESS WHAT I AM DOING??? I am planning a mission trip to Kenya in November! God, and Chris Welkley, inspired me to apply and now I have less than three months to raise nearly 4 grand. Scary for us but not so for the owner of a thousand sheep on a thousand hills, right?

I should have blogged the day I heard that they'd take me, I was so full of praise! I drove from my hometown to my sister's (about an hour and a half away) singing praise songs and crying with joy for the goodness of my Lord the whole way. Sappy I know, but I was so grateful. Shouting adoration and exaltations to one so good just doesn't seem like enough.

I will definitely keep you updated via my blog, after all I may have to ask you for money. ;)


  1. You know what's EXTRA cool?????? I get to go with you!!!!! Awesome! I'm so excited to have my friend go to Kenya with me to share the "BEST NEWS"! I can't wait to watch you be transformed by the blessings of God. That's one of my favorite parts of going on these trips. :)
